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BEAM instrument paperless EEG tracings

Tracings and the effective storage time of 30 minutes, 20 minutes more than the requirements of international standards

Time constant (T), filter constant (F), gain adjustment can be controlled through the on-screen buttons

Check who has more than ten kinds of events to mark an exceptionally strong anti-interference ability, no electromagnetic shielding room and private ground.

Input noise <2uV, CMRR> 100dB, pre-amplifier operating parameters automatically correct

To slow release, fast release, pause and even rewind a long-range monitoring EEG

Can be used for more than 24 hours of EEG monitoring, all 24-hour EEG

Data stored in your faithful computer so that the doctor in retrospect, to effectively improve the diagnosis of true positive rate

Three-dimensional brain atlas:

The frequency power spectrum shows three-dimensional topographic map of energy

Power spectrum showing the frequency band of energy and energy percentage of ALPHA-dimensional topographic map

Unique time-domain topographic maps, analysis of sharp waves or spikes appear in the order to determine the site of epileptic focus

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